Oh! Choosing between tens of templates of house layouts from the list of builders is truly as exciting an experience as confusing.
At first we just went around and visited display villages and display homes for atleast three weekends non stop to finally start realizing what we want. Every brand of builder have their own set of inclusions and upgrades and it is this comparision that you need to do your thorough homework on to get a clever deal.
Here is a sample of what Inclusions List looks like:
This list includes the specifications for garage, laundry, bedroom, bathroom etc. The specifcations will include what they have for the initial quoted price. So for example, you will know what width of skirting you will have, what material your house walls and roof will be, what material of flooring and benchtops will be included, how can lights, electrical points and many more.
This exhaustive list is quite detailed and differs quite a bit between builders. It is a good idea to read through a few of them to get yourself acquainted to think about what you would like in your house.
For us, we really did not want tiles on our floors as it brings down the temperature of the house and also my husband wanted Stone Benchtop in kitchen. All these features come in their 'Upgrade' package for most builders and as and how you add on things you add on price to your initial quote. So be very cautious and read through properly if you are on a strict budget.